More Than Just a Builder: A Look at our Home Maintenance Program

Parmenter Homes. Scenic View Estate kitchen in chelan

At Parmenter Homes, we believe that building a luxury custom home is only the beginning of our long-term relationship with our clients. We want to make sure that your home stays in pristine condition for years to come, which is why we offer a revolutionary home maintenance program that is tailored to meet the precise needs of your home.

Here are some of the key benefits of our preventative home maintenance program:

  1. Hassle-Free Home Maintenance: Our turnkey home maintenance program frees you from the time, hassle, and energy required to keep up with the routine maintenance needs of your custom home. We take care of everything from properly maintaining your hardwood floors to servicing your HVAC units and adjusting your garage doors. All are done seamlessly, automatically, and professionally.

  2. A Tailored Approach: Every home is unique, and we recognize that a one-size-fits-all approach to home maintenance simply doesn't work. That's why we take the time to assess your home's specifications and tailor a maintenance program that addresses your home's precise needs.

  3. Professional Oversight: Our Home Services Manager oversees each maintenance appointment on-site to ensure that all work is completed to the Parmenter Homes standard. You don't even need to be home.

  4. Detailed Reporting: We provide service reports with notes for every service provided, as well as periodic Report Cards showing all services performed. These documents become part of your home's permanent record and can be invaluable when the home is sold or passed down to the next generation.

  5. Peace of Mind: Our preventative home maintenance program gives you the peace of mind that your home is being cared for by experienced professionals who are committed to ensuring that it stays in top condition for years to come.

At Parmenter Homes, we are more than just a builder. We are your partner in creating your luxury dream home, and we are committed to ensuring that your investment is protected. Our revolutionary home maintenance program is just one of the many things that sets us apart from other custom home builders in the Lake Chelan area. Learn More about our Home Maintenance Program.


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